Who am I?

Hey there, my name is Elena. My travel spirit was born on my first trip abroad when my parents decided to take me with them to Germany. I was a curious third grader, eager to know everything about everything, excited to hear a different language and try foreign foods. Since then my love for travel only grew, and our family vacations were my time to explore as much as possible.

One day when I was 22 I made a decision to move from my hometown in Russia to the United States. Pittsburgh became my second home, and I love it dearly. I was on my own now, free to wander and get to know the new country. All I needed was the means to do that. I’ve held what feels like a million jobs from housekeeping and home remodeling to serving tables and delivering pizzas. I’ve taken a wide variety of classes and considered a great deal of career paths only to become disenchanted with them.

The one and only thing I have always wanted to do was travel the world, and any other occupation would not satisfy me. But saving up for years and selling everything I own was never an option. First of all, I am rather impatient, and my savings account would take a decade or two to grow. Second, I don’t really have anything to sell to get an amount of money worth talking about. And lastly, I love having a home base where I can just unplug in a familiar environment. Oh, and I have 3 cats who don’t even agree to go to the vet a few minutes away, let alone travel the world with me.

Making friends with wildlife

My solution was to keep living at home in Pittsburgh, get a flexible-ish job that I enjoy, and travel any chance I get. I quickly discovered that you can be a tourist in your own city because fun and exciting things don’t only happen on exotic beaches, but are waiting right around the corner. While I do travel abroad, I spend the majority of time roadtripping around the United States and exploring all that it has to offer.  I am totally in love with this country, its amazing nature, multicultural heritage and fascinating people.

Trying unique foods in every country, city or state is an absolute must for me, as I strongly believe that you can find out a lot about the location and its residents by eating what they eat. I always find local cafes, restaurants and bakeries anywhere I go, and of course I don’t leave without dessert! Cupcakes, pies, donuts, ice cream – I love it all (hence the name Sweetest Destinations).

So, whether I am having a panic attack while diving in Cozumel or being smuggled in the trunk of a car from a secret military town in Russia, I am always in search of a new adventure and an ice cream shop.